Fig. 2 LiCl treatment induces hhex expression in wild-type and heterozygous boz mutant embryos, but not in homozygous boz mutant embryos. (A–F) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for hhex at 40% epiboly after LiCl treatment, which was performed as described in Materials and methods. Genotypes of classes of embryos for which the pictures are representative are indicated (see Fig. 1). (A–C) Following LiCl exposure, wild-type and heterozygous boz embryos exhibit ectopic hhex expression in the YSL. (D–F) Following LiCl exposure, homozygous boz embryos from the same clutch lack any hhex expression. (A,D: animal views; B,E: lateral views focusing on the embryonic midline; C,F: lateral views focused on the marginal surface).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 276(2), Bischof, J., and Driever, W., Regulation of hhex expression in the yolk syncytial layer, the potential Nieuwkoop center homolog in zebrafish, 552-562, Copyright (2004) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.