Fig. 4

Figures for Scholpp et al., 2003
Figure Caption

Fig. 4 Time course of marker expansion in noi mutant embryos. Double in situ hybridisation of wild-type (wt) and noi mutants with EphA5 in blue and eng2 in red. A,B: At the four-somite stage (4ss), there is no difference in forebrain marker expression between wild-type and mutants. C,D: At 7ss, the first change of marker expression is visible: EphA5 expression starts in the anterior midbrain. eng2 is used to distinguish wild-type embryos and mutant embryos, because the expression of eng2 is absent in noi mutant embryos. E,F: At 12ss, EphA5 is clearly expanded into the midbrain. G,H: The situation at 20ss in which the whole respecified midbrain expresses EphA5.

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