Genomic Feature
- ID
- ZDB-ALT-061204-6
- Name
- nns2Tg
- Synonyms
- nns2
- Tg(chx10:Kaede)
- Tg(chx10:Kaede)nns2 (1)
- Affected Genomic Region
- This feature is representative of one or more unknown insertion sites.
- Construct
- Type
- Transgenic insertion
- Protocol
- Lab of Origin
- Higashijima Lab
- Current Source
- Other Pages
No data available
No data available
- Variant Type
- Transgenic Insertion
- Variant Location
- Unmapped
- Nucleotide change
- Variant Notes
- None
Effect on DNA/cDNA, transcript, protein (from publications)
- DNA/cDNA Change
- None
- Transcript Consequence
- None
- Protein Consequence
- None
- Flanking Sequence
- None
- Additional Sequence
- None
Supplemental Information
- Genotyping protocol
- None
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- Kinkhabwala, A., Riley, M., Koyama, M., Monen, J., Satou, C., Kimura, Y., Higashijima, S.I., and Fetcho, J. (2011) A structural and functional ground plan for neurons in the hindbrain of zebrafish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(3):1164-1169
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- Batista, M.F., Jacobstein, J., and Lewis, K.E. (2008) Zebrafish V2 cells develop into excitatory CiD and Notch signalling dependent inhibitory VeLD interneurons. Developmental Biology. 322(2):263-275
- Kimura, Y., Okamura, Y., and Higashijima, S. (2006) alx, a zebrafish homolog of Chx10, marks ipsilateral descending excitatory interneurons that participate in the regulation of spinal locomotor circuits. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 26(21):5684-5697
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