Search Ontology:
dinitrogen oxide
- Term ID
- CHEBI:17045
- Synonyms
- diazyne 1-oxide
- Dinitrogen monoxide
- Dinitrogen oxide
- Distickstoffmonoxid
- E942
- factitious air
- gaz hilarant
- Lachgas
- laughing gas
- N2O
- nitrogen protoxide
- nitrogenium oxydulatum
- nitrous oxide
- oxidodinitrogen(N--N)
- oxyde nitreux
- protoxyde d'azote
- R-744A
- Stickstoff(I)-oxid
- Definition
- A nitrogen oxide consisting of linear unsymmetrical molecules with formula N2O. While it is the most used gaseous anaesthetic in the world, its major commercial use, due to its solubility under pressure in vegetable fats combined with its non-toxicity in low concentrations, is as an aerosol spray propellant and aerating agent for canisters of 'whipped' cream.
- References
- CAS:10024-97-2
- Drug_Central:4238
- Gmelin:2153410
- KEGG:C00887
- KEGG:D00102
- PDBeChem:N2O
- PMID:11159233
- PMID:11811748
- PMID:15316643
- PMID:15644008
- PMID:16179535
- PMID:17093360
- PMID:18992971
- PMID:19910265
- PMID:21622873
- PMID:23643142
- PMID:7880215
- Reaxys:8137358
- UM-BBD_compID:c0650
- Wikipedia:Nitrous_oxide
- Ontology
- ChEBI ( EBI )
- Resources
- is a type of
- has_role
Phenotype resulting from dinitrogen oxide
Phenotype where environments contain dinitrogen oxide
Phenotype modified by environments containing dinitrogen oxide
Human Disease Model