Tyrkalska et al., 2019 - Inflammasome Regulates Hematopoiesis through Cleavage of the Master Erythroid Transcription Factor GATA1. Immunity   51(1):50-63.e5 Full text @ Immunity
13 Genes / Markers
Marker Type Symbol Name
Gene caspa caspase a
Gene csf1a colony stimulating factor 1a (macrophage)
Gene csf3a colony stimulating factor 3 (granulocyte) a
Gene csf3r colony stimulating factor 3 receptor
Gene gata1a GATA binding protein 1a
Gene gbp4 guanylate binding protein 4
Gene mitfa melanocyte inducing transcription factor a
Gene mpv17 mitochondrial inner membrane protein MPV17
Gene myb v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog
Gene pycard PYD and CARD domain containing
Gene rag1 recombination activating 1
Gene spi1b Spi-1 proto-oncogene b
Gene spint1a serine peptidase inhibitor, Kunitz type 1 a