OBO ID: ZFA:0005285
Term Name: glomerular basement membrane Search Ontology:
  • glomerular filtration membrane
Definition: Membrane between the mesonephric podocytes and the renal glomerular capillaries. It is a trilaminar structure composed of the fused basement membranes of the glomerular capillaries and basement membrane of the podocytes. The capillary membranes touch the GBM at contact points that are separated by pores. The membrane is semi-permeable allowing water and small molecules to pass into the renal capsular space. (1)
Appears at: Larval:Days 7-13 (168.0h-14d, 4.5mm, 8 teeth)
Evident until: Adult (90d-730d, breeding adult)
  • TAO:0005285
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology
EXPRESSION No data available
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