OBO ID: DOID:10970
Term Name: spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy Search Ontology:
  • inherited congenital spastic quadriplegia
  • inherited congenital spastic tetraplegia
  • quadriplegic infantile cerebral palsy
  • spastic quadriplegia
  • tetraplegic infantile cerebral palsy
Definition: A spastic cerebral palsy that is characterized by non-progressive, variable spastic quadriparesis in multiple members of a family, in the absence of additional factors complicating pregnancy or birth, affecting all four limbs, and with difficulty with walking and talking. https://cerebralpalsygroup.com/cerebral-palsy/spastic/
Ontology: Human Disease   ( DOID:10970 )
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GENES INVOLVED No data available
ZEBRAFISH MODELS No data available
PHENOTYPE No data available