Name: | pectoral fin fold |
Synonyms: | pectoral fin membrane |
Definition: | The functional webs of the paired fins. They arise as a consequence of apical fold (AER) expansion and of migration of the distal mesenchyme. The fin folds are delimited by a dorsal and a ventral striated epidermis. The cells of the epidermal basal stratum are positioned on a basement membrane. Directly beneath the basement membrane of each side there is an array of actinotrichs, fibers of the extracellular matrix which act as supportive elements of the larval fin folds. |
Ontology: | Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0005317] |
Name: | actin filament |
Synonyms: | microfilament |
Definition: | A filamentous structure formed of a two-stranded helical polymer of the protein actin and associated proteins. Actin filaments are a major component of the contractile apparatus of skeletal muscle and the microfilaments of the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. The filaments, comprising polymerized globular actin molecules, appear as flexible structures with a diameter of 5-9 nm. They are organized into a variety of linear bundles, two-dimensional networks, and three dimensional gels. In the cytoskeleton they are most highly concentrated in the cortex of the cell just beneath the plasma membrane. |
Ontology: | GO: Cellular Component [GO:0005884] QuickGO AmiGO |