ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-040609-3
Moore, John
Email: john2.moore@umassmed.edu
Affiliation: Lawson Lab
and also: Langenau Lab
Address: Program in Gene Function and Expression University of Massachusetts Medical School Lazare Research Building, Room 617 364 Plantation Street Worcester, MA 01605 USA


Yan, C., Brunson, D.C., Tang, Q., Do, D., Iftimia, N.A., Moore, J.C., Hayes, M.N., Welker, A.M., Garcia, E.G., Dubash, T.D., Hong, X., Drapkin, B.J., Myers, D.T., Phat, S., Volorio, A., Marvin, D.L., Ligorio, M., Dershowitz, L., McCarthy, K.M., Karabacak, M.N., Fletcher, J.A., Sgroi, D.C., Iafrate, J.A., Maheswaran, S., Dyson, N.J., Haber, D.A., Rawls, J.F., Langenau, D.M. (2019) Visualizing Engrafted Human Cancer and Therapy Responses in Immunodeficient Zebrafish. Cell. 177(7):1903-1914.e14
Tang, Q., Iyer, S., Lobbardi, R., Moore, J.C., Chen, H., Lareau, C., Hebert, C., Shaw, M.L., Neftel, C., Suva, M.L., Ceol, C.J., Bernards, A., Aryee, M., Pinello, L., Drummond, I.A., Langenau, D.M. (2017) Dissecting hematopoietic and renal cell heterogeneity in adult zebrafish at single-cell resolution using RNA sequencing. The Journal of experimental medicine. 214(10):2875-2887
Hasan, S.S., Tsaryk, R., Lange, M., Wisniewski, L., Moore, J.C., Lawson, N.D., Wojciechowska, K., Schnittler, H., Siekmann, A.F. (2017) Endothelial Notch signalling limits angiogenesis via control of artery formation. Nature cell biology. 19(8):928-940
Moore, J.C., Mulligan, T.S., Torres Yordán, N., Castranova, D., Pham, V.N., Tang, Q., Lobbardi, R., Anselmo, A., Liwski, R.S., Berman, J.N., Sadreyev, R.I., Weinstein, B.M., Langenau, D.M. (2016) T cell immune deficiency in zap70 mutant zebrafish. Molecular and cellular biology. 36(23):2868-2876
Moore, J.C., Tang, Q., Yordán, N.T., Moore, F.E., Garcia, E.G., Lobbardi, R., Ramakrishnan, A., Marvin, D.L., Anselmo, A., Sadreyev, R.I., Langenau, D.M. (2016) Single-cell imaging of normal and malignant cell engraftment into optically clear prkdc-null SCID zebrafish. The Journal of experimental medicine. 213(12):2575-2589
Moore, F.E., Garcia, E.G., Lobbardi, R., Jain, E., Tang, Q., Moore, J.C., Cortes, M., Molodtsov, A., Kasheta, M., Luo, C.C., Garcia, A.J., Mylvaganam, R., Yoder, J.A., Blackburn, J.S., Sadreyev, R.I., Ceol, C.J., North, T.E., Langenau, D.M. (2016) Single-cell transcriptional analysis of normal, aberrant, and malignant hematopoiesis in zebrafish. The Journal of experimental medicine. 213(6):979-92
Au, S.H., Storey, B.D., Moore, J.C., Tang, Q., Chen, Y.L., Javaid, S., Sarioglu, A.F., Sullivan, R., Madden, M.W., O'Keefe, R., Haber, D.A., Maheswaran, S., Langenau, D.M., Stott, S.L., Toner, M. (2016) Clusters of circulating tumor cells traverse capillary-sized vessels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113(18):4947-52
Tang, Q., Moore, J.C., Ignatius, M.S., Tenente, I.M., Hayes, M.N., Garcia, E.G., Torres Yordán, N., Bourque, C., He, S., Blackburn, J.S., Look, A.T., Houvras, Y., Langenau, D.M. (2016) Imaging tumour cell heterogeneity following cell transplantation into optically clear immune-deficient zebrafish. Nature communications. 7:10358
Moore, J.C., Langenau, D.M. (2016) Allograft Cancer Cell Transplantation in Zebrafish. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 916:265-87
Tenente, I.M., Tang, Q., Moore, J.C., Langenau, D.M. (2014) Normal and Malignant Muscle Cell Transplantation into Immune Compromised Adult Zebrafish. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. (94)
Tang, Q., Abdelfattah, N.S., Blackburn, J.S., Moore, J.C., Martinez, S.A., Moore, F.E., Lobbardi, R., Tenente, I.M., Ignatius, M.S., Berman, J.N., Liwski, R.S., Houvras, Y., Langenau, D.M. (2014) Optimized cell transplantation using adult rag2 mutant zebrafish. Nature Methods. 11(8):821-4
Quillien, A., Moore, J.C., Shin, M., Siekmann, A.F., Smith, T., Pan, L., Moens, C.B., Parsons, M.J., Lawson, N.D. (2014) Distinct Notch signaling outputs pattern the developing arterial system. Development (Cambridge, England). 141:1544-52
Moore, J.C., Sheppard, S., Shestopalov, I.A., Chen, J.K., and Lawson, N. (2013) Post-transcriptional mechanisms contribute to Etv2 repression during vascular development. Developmental Biology. 384(1):128-40
Villefranc, J.A., Nicoli, S., Bentley, K., Jeltsch, M., Zarkada, G., Moore, J.C., Gerhardt, H., Alitalo, K., and Lawson, N.D. (2013) A truncation allele in vascular endothelial growth factor c reveals distinct modes of signaling during lymphatic and vascular development. Development (Cambridge, England). 140(7):1497-1506
Cheung, I.D., Bagnat, M., Ma, T.P., Datta, A., Evason, K., Moore, J.C., Lawson, N.D., Mostov, K.E., Moens, C.B., and Stainier, D.Y. (2012) Regulation of intrahepatic biliary duct morphogenesis by Claudin 15-like b. Developmental Biology. 361(1):68-78
Clements, W.K., Kim, A.D., Ong, K.G., Moore, J.C., Lawson, N.D., and Traver, D. (2011) A somitic Wnt16/Notch pathway specifies haematopoietic stem cells. Nature. 474(7350):220-224
Quillien, A., Blanco-Sanchez, B., Halluin, C., Moore, J.C., Lawson, N.D., Blader, P., and Cau, E. (2011) BMP signaling orchestrates photoreceptor specification in the zebrafish pineal gland in collaboration with Notch. Development (Cambridge, England). 138(11):2293-2302
Geudens, I., Herpers, R., Hermans, K., Segura, I., Ruiz de Almodovar, C., Bussmann, J., De Smet, F., Vandevelde, W., Hogan, B.M., Siekmann, A., Claes, F., Moore, J.C., Pistocchi, A.S., Loges, S., Mazzone, M., Mariggi, G., Bruyere, F., Cotelli, F., Kerjaschki, D., Noel, A., Foidart, J.M., Gerhardt, H., Ny, A., Langenberg, T., Lawson, N.D., Duckers, H.J., Schulte-Merker, S., Carmeliet, P., and Dewerchin, M. (2010) Role of delta-like-4/Notch in the formation and wiring of the lymphatic network in zebrafish. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol.. 30(9):1695-1702
Chapouton, P., Skupien, P., Hesl, B., Coolen, M., Moore, J.C., Madelaine, R., Kremmer, E., Faus-Kessler, T., Blader, P., Lawson, N.D., and Bally-Cuif, L. (2010) Notch activity levels control the balance between quiescence and recruitment of adult neural stem cells. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 30(23):7961-7974
Lorent, K., Moore, J.C., Siekmann, A.F., Lawson, N., and Pack, M. (2010) Reiterative use of the notch signal during zebrafish intrahepatic biliary development. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 239(3):855-864
Parsons, M.J., Pisharath, H., Yusuff, S., Moore, J.C., Siekmann, A.F., Lawson, N., and Leach, S.D. (2009) Notch-responsive cells initiate the secondary transition in larval zebrafish pancreas. Mechanisms of Development. 126(10):898-912