OBO ID: DOID:13327
Term Name: anatomical narrow angle borderline glaucoma Search Ontology:
Definition: A borderline glaucoma characterized by an anatomically narrow anterior chamber angle with or without additional clinical features and risk factors associated with high likelihood of developing glaucomatous optic atrophy in the future. These additional features may include elevated intraocular pressure, retinal nerve fiber layer abnormalities, abnormal anterior chamber angles, and/or a positive family history for glaucoma without any evidence of current optic nerve atrophy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6055310/
  • ICD9CM:365.02
  • UMLS_CUI:C0154941
Ontology: Human Disease   ( DOID:13327 )
OTHER anatomical narrow angle borderline glaucoma PAGES
GENES INVOLVED No data available
ZEBRAFISH MODELS No data available
PHENOTYPE No data available