Clone Name: DKEY-282H22

Note: The list of reference SNPs mapped on this genomic clone has been retrieved through data exchange between NCBI and ZFIN. These reference SNP identifiers were created by NCBI during periodic 'builds' of the dbSNP database. NCBI has phased out support for non-human organisms in dbSNP and dbVar. Zebrafish SNP details can be obtained from the archive directory

rs40726621 rs40750658 rs40791171 rs40841219 rs40864897 rs40877660 rs40889320 rs40889947 rs40919506 rs40933137 rs41015259 rs41152241 rs41160945 rs41191815 rs41196595 rs41196605 rs180014026 rs180014027 rs180014028 rs180014030 rs180014031 rs180014032 rs180014033 rs180014034 rs180014036 rs180014039 rs180014040 rs180014041 rs180014044 rs180014045 rs180014047 rs180014048 rs180014049 rs180014050 rs180014054 rs180014055 rs180014056 rs180014057 rs180014061 rs180014062 rs180014063 rs180014064 rs180014065 rs180014066 rs180014067 rs180014068 rs180014070 rs180014071 rs180014072 rs180014073 rs180014075 rs180014076 rs180014077 rs180014078 rs180014079 rs180014080 rs180014081 rs180014082 rs180014084 rs180014085 rs180014086 rs180014087 rs180014088