Clone Name: DKEY-210G19

Note: The list of reference SNPs mapped on this genomic clone has been retrieved through data exchange between NCBI and ZFIN. These reference SNP identifiers were created by NCBI during periodic 'builds' of the dbSNP database. NCBI has phased out support for non-human organisms in dbSNP and dbVar. Zebrafish SNP details can be obtained from the archive directory

rs40606071 rs40687566 rs40696671 rs40746350 rs40792070 rs40883266 rs40932612 rs40941212 rs40953580 rs40956495 rs40972190 rs41008289 rs41008515 rs41008744 rs41016625 rs41043496 rs41075891 rs41090512 rs41117631 rs41144820 rs41168441