Clone Name: CH211-277G23

Note: The list of reference SNPs mapped on this genomic clone has been retrieved through data exchange between NCBI and ZFIN. These reference SNP identifiers were created by NCBI during periodic 'builds' of the dbSNP database. NCBI has phased out support for non-human organisms in dbSNP and dbVar. Zebrafish SNP details can be obtained from the archive directory

rs40604721 rs40655326 rs40655740 rs40655741 rs40655742 rs40683292 rs40699769 rs40716253 rs40757937 rs40762227 rs40769057 rs40772295 rs40778711 rs40807359 rs40874367 rs40877616 rs40878232 rs40893325 rs40896529 rs40915781 rs40934990 rs40935009 rs40946920 rs40964366 rs40966252 rs40970690 rs41024883 rs41026819 rs41045211 rs41083974 rs41096850 rs41134894 rs41155045 rs41156173 rs41163782 rs41179958 rs41209439 rs41216088 rs41233911 rs41239096 rs40687619 rs40762129 rs40803756 rs40820018 rs40872795 rs40885534 rs40971515 rs41003042 rs41052217 rs41073220 rs41091525 rs41095297 rs41100545 rs41124013 rs41137572 rs41154438 rs41172817 rs41180554