Clone Name: CH211-241J12

Note: The list of reference SNPs mapped on this genomic clone has been retrieved through data exchange between NCBI and ZFIN. These reference SNP identifiers were created by NCBI during periodic 'builds' of the dbSNP database. NCBI has phased out support for non-human organisms in dbSNP and dbVar. Zebrafish SNP details can be obtained from the archive directory

rs40598076 rs40678028 rs40685250 rs40761670 rs40767463 rs40794775 rs40809698 rs40828365 rs40875200 rs40882404 rs40882949 rs40901231 rs40908573 rs40914563 rs40930227 rs40939338 rs40944472 rs40997947 rs41024527 rs41092674 rs41095616 rs41152392 rs41153592 rs41229469